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We help students get "unstuck" in the college application process AND earn scholarships/grants to graduate debt-free!

Whether your student is a high school freshman or senior or maybe they took a gap year or two, they may need some direction on where to go and how to find and earn money to graduate debt-free! To date, we've helped our students earn over $1 Million in scholarships and we're just getting started!

AYCD Helps Students Get Into Their  Dream College & Get Scholarships and Grants to Pay the Way!

Now You Can Follow A Proven Formula to find the right college for you, and write a standout essay!

  • Achieve YOUR Dream and graduate debt-free or close to it.

  • Increase your chances of being admitted AND being awarded scholarships!

  • Stop procrastinating. Remove the stress of thinking of what to write!

Common App Opens August 1, 2024 - It's time to start writing!









Grab your College Admissions Essay Writing Course! 

(typically sells for $200)

Start Writing Your Winning Essay AND Repurpose for Scholarship and Grant Applications.

(Course Value = priceless - I mean where can you spend a few hours writing an essay and potentially earn $50K in scholarships? but, heck it typically retails for $200)

Why Choose Our Resources

Increase Your Chances

The writing course and the masterclass are designed for students! We help you plan, write, apply and increase your chances of getting in and awarded scholarships & grant money to pay for school. Learn the secrets that have helped our clients get in and earn money to cover college.

Results Oriented

The courses are designed to get you results! Unlike other courses that just feeds you information without a strategy, Afford Your College Dream provide the TACTICS to succeed. This is not high level strategy but rather comprehensive results-driven information.

Risk Free

We give you a 30 Day Money Back guarantee on our courses. If you complete the entire course and don't believe you benefit from the course, we will refund you, no questions asked. If you put these practices into place - you will have success! It's time to commit to YOU! You are worth the investment and time. 

 Featured Resources

Checkout our most popular courses & resources.

FREE Webinar to Demystify College. Find the Right Fit for YOU! 

This webinar is for parents/caregivers & students. We break down applying to private universities and public institutions. We talk about different educational pathways including community college. You'll learn so much and I'll let you in on a few secrets you don't want to miss. An athlete? Yeah, we cover that too.

Click to Watch FREE Webinar

Sign up and receive tips, scholarship notifications and more

Give us your email and we'll give you tips, tools and scholarships to help you find money for college without loosing your mind!

Trusted By Students & Parents/Caregivers

Benjamin Franklin once said "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail." I tell my own children this and I live this philosophy with my clients. I understand many students and parents don't know where to start with the college planning process so they put it off. No more. At Afford Your College Dream, you receive the step by step roadmap to plan and find your dream college, apply and find scholarships and grants!

"My HS GPA was good but my ACT score didn't reflect my effort or smarts. I didn't think I could get into the school I wanted. I did nothing. My parents forced me to use the writing and masterclass and I'm glad. I got all my applications in before my senior year and by December I found out I not only was admitted to my dream school but received a huge Trustee's scholarship. I then applied for and earned outside scholarships. I am so happy."

"I wanted to go to a small private university but thought I could never afford the $55K a year price tag without loans. Heather broke down the myths about private schools, showed my parents and I that it is affordable and helped me leverage my strengths, get in AND earn a huge scholarship plus multiple outside scholarships. I pay less than $3.5K a semester for college thanks to AYCD."

"My husband and I didn't save for college. We also didn't qualify for aid through FAFSA. We falsely assumed that student debt was what all families took on. Our two oldest kids graduated with over $30K each in college loans. Then we found Heather. Her tools removed the stress between me and my senior, and helped them win scholarships. He'll graduate next year (2023) debt free."

Meet Your College Funding Expert

Founder of Afford Your College Dream

I help students find, apply for and afford their college dream with little to no debt. If you are willing to put in the work, you can ACHIEVE great things. I minimize the stress of the student and between student and parent/caregiver and maximize results!

  • I teach REAL tactics to navigate the college process (not just strategy)

  • You learn the inside scoop on applications from this college professor

  • Apply for university based and outside scholarships to graduate debt free (or very close to it)

My one and only goal is to educate, motivate and empower you to find the right schools, apply to, and get scholarships and grants to achieve YOUR dream! 

You are worth it! Let me help you achieve your dreams! Let's get started!

Heather Hetchler, MA

For over twenty years, Heather Hetchler has created engaging, empowering and educational content. As both a writer and a speaker, she is passionate to motivate and empower her clients. Heather is an adjunct professor who teaches COMM1010 - Introduction to Public Speaking. Working in higher education AND understanding the power of the written and spoken word, Heather helps students excel and STAND OUT!

As the mother of six children, Heather walked five through the college search, application and scholarship process. She learned so much and began sharing with friends to help minimize the stress between parent and student AND motivate and empower the students with tools to get organize, apply, write killer essays and win scholarships. It is a lie that you have to graduate with college loans and Heather will show you how. Stop procrastinating and start planning, applying and winning! It's your time to shine. You are worth it! 

Afford Your College Dream

  • Is your launching pad. You'll complete a personal inventory to help you find the schools that are a best fit for YOU!

  • Shares a variety of avenues to your college degree AND funding for it.

  • Uncovers the secrets even High School guidance counselors don't know. You'll gain an edge over other applicants.

  • Over $1 million dollars in scholarships/grants earned.  And we are just getting started! 


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